
Check in on a friend today:

In this difficult time, so many of us are silently living in distress because we don’t believe that anyone cares enough to lend a listening ear. You and I can be that friend who checks on a friend with the truest of intention to listen, understand and empathize.

Here are some caring questions you can ask a friend to make sure they’re ok. Be mindful to make the conversation about you, listen attentively and try not to rush their answers. It’s not easy to see when friends and family members are going through tough emotional seasons, but letting them know you are there for them can make a world of difference.

It is also important for you to practice self-care as you can only and truly give your best when you are at your best.


  1. How are you feeling today, really? Physically and mentally.
  2. What’s taking up most of your headspace right now?
  3. What was your last full meal, and have you been drinking enough water?
  4. How have you been sleeping?
  5. What have you been doing for exercise?
  6. What did you do today that made you feel good?
  7. What’s something you can do today that would be good for you?
  8. What’s something you’re looking forward to in the next few days?
  9. What’s something we can do together this week, even if we’re apart?
  10. What are you grateful for right now?

For more mental health check in tips and help, visit the Mental Health America website at:  MHA | Mental Health America (mhanational.org)

You can also reach out to one of our qualified mental health coaches and therapists.